Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Can See Clearly Now, The Wheat Is Gone

We went gluten free and this is all just too big for a facebook status so its getting its own blog. I saw a lecture by Dr. William Davis and a lot of what he said about the effects of modern day wheat, I could directly link to symptoms within my own family. The irritability, the achiness, the lethargy, the rashes, the stomach aches. I couldn't go gluten free fast enough after hearing, (what now seemed to be), the obvious facts of the matter.

I posted the video of what he had to say but its an hour long and I know not everyone is the information junkie that I am. I fear you all didn't watch it and I worry. I know you like to read my shit, though, so I am going to sum it up for you.

First of all, modern wheat is not the wheat that our ancestors grew and consumed. Once again, somebody fucked with your food. After the 1960's our wheat was hybridized by some smart ass named Dr. Something Borlaug. It was done in an effort to solve world hunger. And it did for the most part. This wheat was 95% the same as the old wheat. Hidden within that five percent there was something new.

The protein in the gluten of this wheat was different. It is called gliadin. Gliadin attaches to your OPIATE RECEPTORS!! Thats right folks, you are all unwitting addicts. Instead of getting "high", the effect exacted is feeling really full and then feeling hungry again, long before you should feel hungry again. This new wheat satiates and then stimulates appetite so you eat more and more of it. Tricky stuff, huh? Pisses me off to tell you the truth.

So lets bring this in to a more personal level. Isabel gets sick around bedtime almost every night. Maya is a crabass. Stella's feet swell up and itch every time they get hot and sweaty....almost as if she is eliminating a toxin. I am an organic freak. I admit it. So what the hell is causing my family to be having all these unhealthy symptons? Thanx to my subscription to the Joe Rogan Experience, I found a video. Wheat: The UNhealthy Whole Grain by Dr. William Davis. After the first ten minutes blew my mind, I stopped it, started it over and had Russell listen with me. Really, so he could understand why we wouldn't be serving wheat in our house anymore.

I got some almond flour and some coconut flour and I went crazy in the kitchen. This was Monday morning, 6/3. So its now Thursday evening and my kids have gone through four full days of wheat free eating. What I am going to tell you next may be obvious but it surprised the hell out of me......

On Tuesday night both of the twins had diarrhea with painful stomach pains. The next morning they both complained that their bodies, especially their legs, were hurting them and had been all night. It made it hard for them to get comfortable and they both slept terribly. Stella said, "I just wanted to kick my legs to get rid of the feeling."

A touch of the flu, I wondered? Doing the dishes a bit later, it registered that I was having pain in my lower back, my shoulders and my legs. Especially my legs! They felt like they were racing. And I did indeed feel the urge to kick them in an attempt to rid myself of this very uncomfortable sensation! And then my stomach cramps and diarrhea began. Sitting on the toilet, my "holy shit, we are having withdrawal symptoms" light bulb went off in the air, to the left of my head.

It makes perfect sense really. The wheat we eat every day stimulates our opiate receptors. Removing that wheat will cause withdrawals. The girls were very emotional and crying alot. "I feel so bad inside, Mommy. What is happening to me?" They were both experiencing anxiety, nervousness, feelings of hopelessness. My kids are normally off the wall in a much happier fashion.

I say fuck you to Dr. Know-it-all Borlaug for all that.

I picked up Maya from school and ask her if she had been feeling ok and she says she is fine. No issues. I dive into telling her what has been happening with me and the twins and why I think it happened. And that I googled "wheat withdrawals" and found that it happens to everyone that eliminates wheat.....that it can last up to 5-7 days. I am rattling on about all this and Maya guiltily interrupts, "Mom, its not happening to me because I can't quit my blueberry bagel for snack every morning."

Ugh. There's a valid argument for homeschooling right there. Why do you homeschool your kid? Oh because they are giving her opiates at school. That should answer your question.

So we have completed day four. The twins are fine, physically and emotionally. I just checked on them and they are soundly sleeping. Neither of them seem to miss the wheat. There were definitely less arguments today. So behaviorally, eliminating wheat seems to be doing the trick. They were up until 9:30 tonight and there were no tears at bedtime. Thats huge. I made this lifestyle change because of physical ailments. I never thought it would cure Stella's ADHD!

She was diagnosed by the "professionals" down at the school, by the way, so whether there was any ADHD to be cured in the first place is debatable. ;)

I still have a persistent ache between my shoulder blades but haven't had the stomach pains today. I slept great during my nap earlier. I think its safe to say that we have made it through the wheat withdrawals. The kids love it because I bake new things everyday. They get to help and eat the tasty fruits of our labor. They learn without the pressure of "learning time" by reading the recipes to me and sounding out new words like almond and coconut.

I am going to to document this journey. Stay tuned.

And watch this video. I am going to read his book, "Wheat Belly" until I fall asleep.

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